Resources for Teachers

We are delighted to share the following Resources for Teachers.

The Schemes of work and supporting resources available cover all Key Stages and have been developed to be downloaded and used in the classroom or to support a visit to the Geopark.  Further information on educational visits to the Geopark can be found here.

Geopark Songs and Short Films

Since designation the English Riviera UNESCO Global Geopark has worked with dynamic and innovative artists, to engage and provoke interest in all ages inspiring them to think more widely and creatively about the world around them.  See here can listen to and download these engaging, fun songs and films for use in the classroom. 

Earth Echoes - A community led performance

Most recently the Geopark worked with multiple partners and the local community to create Earth Echoes an exciting and powerful musical community performance that opened the 7th International Conference on UNESCO Global Geoparks.  More details and downloadable materials including a learning pack, the scrpt, score, short film and full report to support and assist you to have fun and recreate or create your own performance with your own group can be found here

Geopark Colouring Sheets

Geopark Partner Resources for Teachers

You can also find additional teaching resources relevant to the Geopark at our partner's websites:

Kents Cavern here

Torre Abbey here

Brixham Heritage Museum's Leaflet here.

Any feedback on the above would be most useful.  Please email m.border@englishrivierageopark.org.uk     Many thanks.