GGN 2016 Archive

The 7th International Conference on UNESCO Global Geoparks was held from the 27th to the 30th September, 2016,  in Torquay, English Riviera UNESCO Global Geopark, United Kingdom, and was attended by 700 delegates from 63 countries.  During the conference Delegates engaged in discussions, workshops and meetings and listened to fascinating presentations from UNESCO Global Geoparks all around the world, visited geological, historical, community and creative sites around the Geopark and as well as attending fantastic events at partner sites and integrating with the local community.

View the full Conference Programme (PDF)

View the Field Trip Guide (PDF)

View the Abstract Book (PDF)

View the English Riviera Declaration (PDF) 

View the Herald Express post conference supplement click here

The official photo record, presentations, videos and examples of social media coverage covering all aspects of the conference can be found here

Additional photos can be found on the GGN2016 Facebook page and the English Riviera UNESCO GLobal Geopark Facebook page


Earth Echoes Opening Ceremony Performance
Aligned to the conference theme of Health and Wellbeing through Creative and Active Engagement the conference was opened by an exciting and powerful musical community performance.   More details and downloadable materials including the learning pack and full report can be found here

The opening ceremony also included a video message welcome address by Flavia Schlegel, Assistant Director General for Natural Sciences, UNESCO, and key notes by Prof. Iain Stewart - English Riviera UNESCO Global Geopark Patron and BBC TV Presenter, Plymouth University, Prof. Patrick McKeever – Secretary of the International Geoscience and Geoparks Programme Chief of Section UNESCO and Prof. Nickolas Zouros – President, Global Geoparks Network.


Conference Theme
A particular highlight was the Health and Wellbeing through Creative and Active Engagement Key Note given by Mathew White, European Centre for Human Health,  titled The relationship between natural environments and health and well-being (and what has been missed) supported by a presentation entitled Earth Echoes: Resonances between arts, geology and wellbeing in the Conference’s Opening Ceremony by Daisy Sutcliffe

Worshops and Presentations
A further panel discussion and workshop titled "Disaster Risk Reduction at UNESCO Global Geoparks,ways forward" took place alongside a futher 260 presentations that addressed the other conference themes.

A two day Geofair ran in parallel with exhibitors from UNESCO Global Geoparks around the world alongside national organisations such as the Geological Society and the London Natural History Museum.

Conference Field Trip Day
No UNESCO Global Geopark conference is complete without fieldtrips, and despite being one of the smaller UGG’s the English Riviera certainly had a multitude of wonderful sites that showed the internationally significant geology and integrated history, heritage, natural environment and culture at its best.