Brixham ‘Penguin’ walk with Mike Langman

9 Jun

Berry Head, Brixham

Enjoy breakfast at the Guardhouse Cafe and a wildlife stroll around Berry Head led by wildlife expert Mike Langman.

Join Mike and learn about the south coast’s largest Guillemot colony that should be bustling with life. We’ll have a close look at the colony, its history and future, plus the amazing adaptations enabling the Guillemot also known locally as the ‘Brixham Penguin’ to survive at sea and on the cliffs. Perhaps with some searching we’ll find it’s close relative the Razorbill and compare the species side by side.

We’ll take a look off the end of the headland the mixing of currents from Torbay and Lyme Bay always attracts not only the feeding Guillemots but other wildlife too. Depending on conditions on the day this might include Harbour Porpoise, Grey Seal or seabirds like Gannet, Manx Shearwater or even a Puffin. The breeding Fulmars in the quarry are always a favourite cackling to each other as arriving birds make several false landing attempts.

With over 40 years of study at Berry Head Mike knows the likely whereabouts of not only the birds and other wildlife around this National Nature Reserve.

Engagement Officer Marije will also be on hand to explain why it is so important to protect the colony from disturbance during the breeding season.

Ticket Prices:

  • Non Trust Member  £35.00
  • Trust Member  £30.00

Brixham 'Penguin’ walk with Mike Langman – Torbay Coast & Countryside Trust – June 9, 2025

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