Geopark in Focus: Episode 5 - Past Climate and Sea Level Change
This week Prof. Iain Stewart is joined by Dr Jenny Bennett, who chairs the Geology section at the Devonshire Association, and Malcolm Hart, Emeritus Professor at the University of Plymouth and Chair of the Geoscientific committee of the Geopark, to explore how past climate and sea level change has left its mark on the Geopark area, the causes of these changes and implications for the future.
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‘It is a great feeling to visit any of the Geoparks and see how each have their own distinctive story to tell. The English Riviera UNESCO Global Geopark certainly contributes to the story of the Earth with our distinctive coral-rich Devonian limestones, the trace fossils of the Permian and the climatic changes recorded in the Pleistocene by our cave systems, raised beaches and submerged forests”.
Prof Malcolm Hart, Emeritus Professor – Plymouth University, Chair of the Geopark Scientific Panel
'The Geopark is somewhere I often visit to show students and others the wonderful geology. There is so much to see, from the red rocks to the caves and from folded rocks to beautiful fossil corals. This project is a great way to tell people more about what we have, the stories behind it and why it is so very important.’
Dr Jenny Bennett, Chair at Geology Section Devonshire Association