Black Head and Anstey's CoveDesignations: SSSI, CGS/RIGS The only significant outcrop of igneous rock in Torbay is found between Black Head and Anstey's Cove GCR block / key theme: Igneous rocks of south-west England Associated SSSI: Hope's Nose to Walls Hill SSSI Geological / geomorphological features: The only significant outcropsof intrusive igneous rocks in the Torbay district are between Black Head and Anstey's Cove, where microgabbros (‘dolerite') are intruded into the Upper Devonian Saltern Cove Formation. The intrusions are associated with basic tuffs and believed to be typical of alkaline or sub-alkaline basalts of a within-plate Ocean Island type, as elsewhere in Devon and Cornwall. Reasons for proposal as a CGS / RIGS sites: The only significant outcrops of intrusive igneous rocks in the Torbay district, which are readily accessible and therefore suitable for educational use in Anstey's Cove.