Saltern Cove: Permian TriassicDesignations: GCR (No: 1503), SSSI A key site showing Permain rocks resting directly on top of Lower Devonian a regionally significant unconformity. Fossil burrows found near Waterside are evidence of life within the Permian deserts, perhaps the place for a primitive reptile to hide away from the sun. ![]() GCR block / key theme: Permian-Triassic Associated SSSI: Saltern Cove SSSI GCR Statement of Interest: "At this locality coarse Permian fluvial breccias rest uncomformably on Devonian slates. The unconformity surface is very clearly seen as a cast on the base of the breccias. These contain much locally-derived material and are arranged in poorly organised, fining-upwards and sedimentary sequences. The coarsest Permian beds occur immediately above the unconformity. A key site showing a regionally significant unconformity." |